What is OSGR?

About us

The Cornell Student Assembly’s Office of Student Government Relations is a branch of the Cornell Student Assembly. The primary function of the office is to be a nonpartisan advocate of the Cornell student body interests at the local, state and federal levels of government.

As the largest Ivy League university, a leading research institution and need-blind educator, Cornell shares many priorities with other peer institutions while serving as a leader in shaping higher education policy, uniquely situated between private and public universities as a land grant institution.

Working closely with elected officials, fellow higher educational institutions, and Cornell student organizations, the office pushes the interests of students ranging from voter registration to financial aid expansion to campus health and well being.

How does OSGR work with the levels of government?



The Local Level works to foster a closer relationship with the Ithaca community and advance initiatives that benefit both Cornell students and the community as a whole. We work with campus groups, local politicians and city commissions, and other higher education institutions within Tompkins County.

The role of a Local Level member may include reaching out to the boards and committees of Ithaca, collaborating with various Cornell offices and student groups, and planning educative events for the Cornell community. Learn more about local relations here.


The State Level works closely with campus groups and State Government elected officials to push for legislative initiatives and influence the passage of policy. The State Level works with campus groups, legislators, nonprofits, and other New York colleges and institutions.

State Level members advocate by writing memos, organizing both state-wide and local events, and providing testimonials remotely or in person. Learn more about state relations here.


The Federal Level is responsible for advocating for legislation that affects students to Congress and the Executive Branch. The Federal Level also partners with other student organizations at Cornell, external advocacy groups, and policy experts.

Advocacy on the federal level involves sending letters to elected officials, lobbying to Congressional offices, connecting students with their representatives, and more. Learn more about federal relations here.

What roles do our members take on in OSGR to take action?

  • The role of the political chair varies from level to level, but the primary function of the Political Chair is the overseeing and facilitation of the policy initiatives of each level. Skills needed for this level are organization, strong delegation skills and proactive communication.

  • The Events Chair fosters connection with the greater Cornell community through the planning and organization of events. The duties of this role require maintaining relationships to actively partner with campus organizations and other interested parties on all levels of government to plan and execute on events. Skills needed for this role include strong organization, proactive communication, and a collaborative spirit.

  • The Research Chair is focused on collecting data and finding in-depth information on specific legislative areas to put together memos that may speed up legislative processes, as well as consolidate and share actionable strategies and insights on the advocacy agenda items. The skills required for this role include strong research and writing skills, as well as active collaboration with the rest of the members on the level.

  • The Outreach Chair is in charge of external facing outreach and communications. The duties of this role primarily lie in contacting legislators, campus groups, and other interested parties that may be involved with any legislative initiative or event.

  • The Communications Liaison is responsible for internal facing communication, and is the point person between a certain level and all other levels in OSGR. Tasks include frequent communication with other levels and the executive team of OSGR, as well as assisting in promotion of events or level initiatives by collaborating with the Communications Director and other necessary members from their level.


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